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【GutProtein+】Prime the Gut with Good Bacteria for a Balanced Microbiome 【GutProtein+】Prime the Gut with Good Bacteria for a Balanced Microbiome

【GutProtein+】Prime the Gut with Good Bacteria for a Balanced Microbiome

25 Sep 2024



Prime the Gut with Good Bacteria for a Balanced Microbiome

There are thousands of different types of bacteria living in our gut, which can be classified into 3 main types in general.

They are,

Good bacteria, Neutral Bacteria and Bad Bacteria

Most gut bacteria are neutral bacteria, which will be affected by the number of good bacteria and bad bacteria, causing diseases as a result. When good bacteria cannot be maintained at a certain level, or the number of bad bacteria is increasing, symptoms may show up or our body will give us signals. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a balanced microbiome.



According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics are “living microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”.


❶Change the composition of gut microbiome

❷ Compete with pathogens for nutrients and to reduce pathogenicity

❸ Improve gut barrier functions

❹ Regulate the immune system

How to choose probiotics?

Functional strains, viability and cohesion,

none is dispensable


Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber is the part of plants that cannot be digested and absorbed by the human body. However, it plays an important role in maintaining gut health.

-Acts as nutrition source for probiotics; increases probiotics’ viability

-Promotes bowel movement; reduces accumulation of toxins in gut

Water-soluble fiber in dietary fiber becomes sticky after absorbing water, which can make you feel full for longer. Water-soluble fiber also helps maintain blood vessel health.

Busy lifestyles often have insufficient intake of fruits and vegetables, which need to supplement additional fiber.




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