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Ever feel like you can’t keep up with your to-do list? Or like you’re being pulled in different directions? Ever feel like you can’t keep up with your to-do list? Or like you’re being pulled in different directions?

Ever feel like you can’t keep up with your to-do list? Or like you’re being pulled in different directions?

15 May 2023

Thankfully, figuring out how to stay focused at work and school might come down to one thing you can address - your diet. Nutrition deficiencies can result in those I-need-another-cup-of-coffee feelings or I-have-no-idea-what-you-just-said thoughts, otherwise known as brain fog. Ready to help kick brain fog to the curb and tackle that to-do list once and for all? Here are some of the best focus and concentration supplements and vitamins.

B Vitamins

From B9 (folate) in fresh fruits and B5 in avocados, you might already be consuming B vitamins without even realizing it. The eight B vitamins are a powerhouse of natural concentration supplements used by the body to produce energy from the food you eat. This energy can help keep you alert and focused. That said, two of these vitamins reign supreme: B6 and B12.

Along with the rest of the B vitamins, B9 and B5 can both support energy production. Vitamin B12 helps to form red blood cells, which can carry oxygen to all parts of your body to keep it functioning. Similarly, vitamin B6 may help support brain function by lowering levels of homocysteine, a type of amino acid. As so, a B6 deficiency may cause symptoms like impaired alertness or irritability.

While B6 is found in a wide range of fruits - like avocados, bananas, and watermelons - vitamin B12 is predominantly found in animal products, such as meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, and fish.

Nutrilite™ Vitamin B Plus Dual-Action
  • Packed with 8 essential B vitamins and natural spirulina
  • Dual action, bi-layer designed tablet, combined instant release and 8-hour extended release technology. Provides better absorption and long-term efficacy

Vitamin D

Vitamin D assists key functions within your body such as maintaining bone density to supporting your mood and keeping you focused. When your body doesn’t receive enough vitamin D, you might experience trouble focusing and low energy.

Your body can naturally produce Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. It can also be found in fatty fish, egg yolks, cheese, orange juice, and fortified cereals.

Nutrilite™ Cal Mag D

  • Come from calcified seaweed found in the deep waters off the coast of Iceland, one of the best botanical calcium sources in the world
  • Calcium helps the building of strong bones and teeth
  • Magnesium and vitamin D are added for easy calcium absorption




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