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"Trust and Flexibility" – the Keys to Retaining Talents

31 Mar 2023

LinkedIn, the world’s largest business community network, interviewed CEOs of the world’s top 500 enterprises last year to examine the biggest talent challenges they expect to face over the next five years. Around 70% of those interviewed mentioned that “flexibility” and “trust” were two of the key issues they needed to address in order to retain talents.

As an employer, it may be worth considering changing your thinking from asking employees “what can you do for me?” to asking them “what does the company need to do to help you move forward in work?” Instead of listing out the skillsets, experience and academic background required in job advertisements, you may consider explaining more about the company’s culture and philosophy. As for existing staff, a company can take the lead to learn more about their family status and interests to increase their sense of belonging.

These seemingly small actions can collectively have a profound impact in helping to increase employees’ sense of identification with the company they work for. Employees will also react positively to being given more autonomy and enjoying more development possibilities through work.

Starting a business is the choice for many people who want to enjoy greater freedom in life, but the risks involved will discourage many of them. The Amway business platform is unique in allowing those who wish to start their own business and grab the chance to realize their dreams and enjoy the free time and extra income that comes with it. Amway offers a quality business platform that allows you to connect and interact with your partners and customers at anytime, anywhere, and at the same time helps you to regain autonomy in life.

For the new generation of determined young people, it is a better option to seize the Amway opportunity and start your own business rather than struggling to meet the expectations and requirements of others. Starting a new journey in Amway is an important step that will broaden your horizons and help you to become one of the leaders of the future.




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