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Achieving Great Success with Confidence and Cohesion - New Founders Executive Diamond Direct Distributors Benny & Cora Lai Achieving Great Success with Confidence and Cohesion - New Founders Executive Diamond Direct Distributors Benny & Cora Lai

Achieving Great Success with Confidence and Cohesion - New Founders Executive Diamond Direct Distributors Benny & Cora Lai

06 Apr 2023

Leading a team is not an easy task. A great leader has self-awareness, encouraging people through their strategic thinking and motivating them at the same time. Benny and Cora, our new Founders Executive Diamond Direct Distributors, are among the cream of the crop. “As a leader, we shouldn’t act in a superior way. Instead, we should understand and listen to what our team and partners are thinking, as well as believing in their abilities. Only in this way can we maintain the positive and proactive vibe in the team and press on towards our goal together.”

Amway Journey

Founders Diamond2013.08
Executive Diamond2015.08
Founders Executive Diamond2022.08

Seeking Breakthroughs in a Positive Way

Cora always radiates a cheerful vibe and encourages people through her genial personality. It turns out that she was a physical education teacher before joining Amway. “I was also a discipline teacher!” she smiled.

Cora makes people feel comfortable through her hearty laughter. “I come from a family who have been scholars for generations. My family’s work is all related to education, so it made sense for me to become a teacher. At the time I joined the profession, being a teacher meant a good salary, being paid on time, and with plenty of holidays. Later, my primary classmate introduced me to Amway and I also started using the company’s products. But as the breadwinner of the family, I wasn’t yet ready to develop my Amway business proactively.”

Taking the big step needs a lot of courage and, sometimes, a little help. “Three years after being introduced to Amway, I attended my primary classmate’s Diamond Rally to witness her success as part of the audience – but it kept me awake all night,” Cora recalled, saying that she began thinking hard about her future. “After organizing my feelings, I thought I would also need to find a life-changing opportunity. If we choose to start a business, we might not have enough capital and would worry about the risks involved. The Amway business, however, is perfect for new entrepreneurs who want to seek breakthroughs in a sound way, just like us.”

Build Trust at the Right Time

From being a new entrepreneur to becoming an excellent leader today, what is the most impressive about Cora is her remarkable affinity with people. She gets along well with partners of different ages and there is always fun and laughter in the team. “Many older people think they have more experience and social encounters than the younger generation. That’s why these different generations should listen to each other’s thoughts and opinions. From a younger person’s perspective, they may think ‘why do I have to agree with you’?”

Generational strife can occur at different times and Cora has her own views on the subject. “Building mutual trust is the most important thing to get young people to open up,” she explained. “I regard them as friends and I often invite them to my home for gatherings and parties to strengthen team cohesion. I will also give them autonomy and freedom at the right time, allowing them to hold different activities and meetings according to their own wishes and ideas. I think it is better to get along with each other in a relaxed way than to act superior.”

It is easy to get caught up in Cora’s infectious laughter. Looking at a clip she shared, featuring a group of young partners celebrating her birthday, it is easy to feel the intimate and happy atmosphere that’s been built up among the team.

Granting Freedom through Action

Each person has their own personality traits. Over the years in the business, Cora has never got upset when she meets partners who are reluctant to cooperate or insist on their own opinions. “On one hand, I will let them develop their business according to their own plans and methods. On the other hand, I will accompany and assist them when they are in need,” she said.

Action is also of the utmost importance for Cora. “I will continue to work on different things, such as sponsorings, products demonstrations, organizing gatherings, and so on, showing them that I will walk further for them.” At the same time, she believes that a meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words. Cora has demonstrated her success through her actions, making the younger generation willing to follow in her footsteps.

Leading by Example

Being willing to proactively take action is one of the reasons Cora has been able to attract a new generation of partners to Amway. Even after years of developing her business, Cora is never willing to let someone else do her work. “From attending meetings and referring newcomers to doing miscellaneous errands, I do everything by myself. I just want to set an example to the new generation of Distributors and let them know that, even as a leader, I still have the willingness to learn and improve,” she explained. Leading by example is one of the qualities of a credible leader and it is a commitment that Cora has always maintained in developing her Amway business.

“As for myself and Benny, Amway has become an integral part of our lives. Every encounter is a new experience, so how can we ever feel bored?" Cora smiled. “The most effective way to stay at your best is to keep going – to never let go of your curiosity and never stop moving forward – so you are motivated to achieve better results and attract more people who want to collaborate and achieve things together with you.”

The Best Support

Cora plays a leading role in the Amway business, while Benny is Cora's strongest support. “I knew that the outcome in Amway would be good. It not only provides security for our family but also a good life for our son, so I gave Cora 100% trust and freedom and am there to back her up as she sprints ahead,” Ben shared.

“The teacher will come when the students are ready!” Cora added. She is ready at all times and will never get tired of nurturing the new generation. “In Amway, I think it is a natural thing to be promoted in terms of performance. A career is built up bit by bit. As long as you do your part every day, you can get predictable results.” For Cora, she has achieved a great success with confidence and team cohesion.




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