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Leading with Heart, Growing with Passion — New Executive Diamond Direct Distributors Ben & Moon Fu Leading with Heart, Growing with Passion — New Executive Diamond Direct Distributors Ben & Moon Fu

Leading with Heart, Growing with Passion — New Executive Diamond Direct Distributors Ben & Moon Fu

05 Jun 2023

The environment we grow up in is key to shaping our personality and perspective on life. "With an ideal environment and atmosphere, a seed can thrive, no matter what you sow. We want to create an environment that attracts young people and helps them to grow and succeed together,” said Ben and Moon, our new Executive Diamond Direct Distributors, who believe there is no limit in the pursuit of their dreams. They guide younger partners with their hearts, leading the team to conquer different challenges with sincerity and passion.

Amway Journey

Founders Platinum2007.08
Executive Diamond2022.08

The Determination to Change

Ben seems to radiate enthusiasm and always has a lot to talk about. “This is actually a false impression!” he beamed. “Everyone thinks I am an outgoing person, but in truth I am quite introverted. My needs are quite simple – a game of chess, a pot of tea, and a book a week are all I need to enjoy my ‘me time’, without any hassle.”

Ben said he has always cherished the time he spends by himself. “However, after joining Amway, my personality changed completely! As a leader, my team looks up to me as a role model, and they need my encouragement and support – and that meant I had to change myself. As the team grew bigger, different partners encountered their own problems – so how could I sit back and stay silent?”

From a taciturn introvert to a garrulous extrovert, Ben’s determination to change was strengthened by his involvement in Amway.

An Opportunity to Be Seen

Ben, who used to work in a high-risk job, recalled why he joined Amway in the first place. “Of course, it was about the extra income. That was a time when I was struggling financially, hoping to improve my quality of life without having to work my socks off. So I set myself a three-year timetable to build my Amway business as I continued to work hard in my job. When I achieved Emerald Direct Distributor, I decided to commit myself to Amway and develop my business full-time.”

Now, Ben is gaining far more from Amway than he ever expected. “The most important thing is to have peace of mind. We don't need to worry about our prospects, nor do we feel insecure about the future. Now, we put our focus on our teams, especially the younger generation, to make plans for them and hopefully help them catch up.”

Everyone needs a stage on which to shine – an opportunity to be seen – which Ben understands well. “The post-2000s generation in particular is the future of the team, and we have to give them hope so that the team can continue to develop,” he said. Ben endeavours to understand young people's ideas and will listen to their needs carefully. “Some of them love dancing, so I considered their interest and set up a dance class to help them get together and cultivate their sense of responsibility as well as the courage to undertake new challenges.” A willingness to understand the needs of partners is just one of the qualities that makes Ben a successful leader.

The Magic of Bonding

It seems there is no absolute answer on how to communicate with the younger generation and make them willing to open up. “From my perspective, giving them freedom is the most important thing, and it is also crucial to make them feel your heart!” Ben said. “The team often organizes different activities, with each activity coordinated by different partners. This not only cultivates their tacit understanding but also enables them to be ready and have high resilience at any time, even in the face of sudden changes.”

Ben guides his team by four principles: that being indifferent about wealth can bring people together; being self-disciplined can help to convince people; being tolerant of others can help to win their hearts; and being a pioneer in trying new things can lead people.

“We attract talents through different activities and gatherings, but at the same time we also need to discipline ourselves, be prudent and be credible to others. We need to be considerate to others and make them feel respected so that they will want to work with us. And, of course, we also need to lead by example and be role models worth following.” For Ben, the positive vibe in Amway is not only a catalyst for success but also the magic that binds the team together.

The Strongest Support

Ben's wife, Moon, has always been a “big fan” of his and supported his decisions at all times. As their children grow older, Moon has found more time to develop her Amway career. “I used to focus on my family and spent most of my free time assisting Ben with logistics support. Now, I am working hard to share the career opportunities and quality products offered by Amway, and the satisfaction that gives me is beyond words.” It’s clear from Moon’s smile and the look in her eyes that what she gets from Amway is not only material rewards, but also spiritual enrichment.

Every parent wants to provide the best environment for their children. “I think we have got it all done! Through the Amway environment, our children can see the results of our efforts and how the business has changed us, so they can find their own goals and strive to equip themselves. As parents, we are very proud,” Moon smiled. For this proud couple, Amway is the embodiment of self-cultivation and improvement that also enables the next generation to inherit the business.

A Legacy for the Future

Looking to the future, Ben and Moon will continue to focus on developing the youth market and nurturing young people to become the next generation of leaders. “Young people are growing at an amazing rate. As long as they are given the opportunity to develop their potential and find the right direction, they will be confident about their future plans.”

Irrigated with love and care, we look forward to meeting the strong saplings that Ben and Moon are working so hard to cultivate.




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