Spring is just around the corner and our skin might find it difficult to adapt to the temperature change. The condition of our skin may become worse due to dryness and itchiness. That’s why, in addition to undergoing regular skincare treatment, it is also important to be aware of the way you shower as the season changes.
The best shower routine
Start with the face first, then wash your body and finally your hair. This will help to maintain normal blood circulation for the entire body and prevent any adverse impact due to temperature differences.
Control the shower temperature
It is recommended to control the temperature of your shower at between 35℃ and 37℃. The average time you take to shower should be within 15 minutes as this helps to prevent skin feeling dry and itchy.
Choose mild products
Choose mild bathing products that will help to protect the skin’s natural barrier and prevent irritation. It is also important to apply body care products right after showering to replenish the moisture in your skin.
Choose the BathSpring™ Bathroom Water Treatment System
Whether you are taking a shower or having a bath, it is important to ensure that the water you use is clean and fresh. The BathSpring™ Bathroom Water Treatment System is effective in removing over 99% of free residual chlorine and various contaminants, providing you with clean bathing water that helps to restore skin and hair health.
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