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【Corporate Privileged Customer】Complex Thinking for Learning English 【Corporate Privileged Customer】Complex Thinking for Learning English

【Corporate Privileged Customer】Complex Thinking for Learning English

02 Apr 2024

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four basic skills for learning a language. Listening is followed by speaking, while reading and writing come much later for children. Established in 2005, the Kelly Yang Project aims to provide quality writing and debate training for young people aged four to 18, enabling them to master flawless written and spoken communication skills in English.


A: Amagram

J: John Chew, CEO of The Kelly Yang Project Limited

A: What was the reason behind opening the Kelly Yang Project?

J: Kelly Yang, founder of the Kelly Yang Project, is the New York Times best-selling and award-winning author of FRONT DESK. As an author, Kelly uses her experience to design courses to influence students’ interest in the act of writing. The company believes that the easiest way to future-proof young people, and to give them the skills for academic and future professional success is to teach a certain cast of mind – to teach critical thinking, and effective communication skills encompassing writing.

A: What are the most common problems Hong Kong children encounter when learning English?

J: Writing is an important form of communication and a key part of education. But in today’s world, kids are not given many opportunities to practice; and with large numbers of students in classes, teachers often have difficulty giving attention to each one of them.

It takes time to develop strong writing skills, and it can be a tough task to accomplish. Thankfully, parents can help develop their children’s reading habits. Through reading, children can learn about different genres of writing and improve their vocabulary and grammar. The most important thing is that they need to practice continuously.

A: Why did you choose to install the Atmosphere SKY™ Air Purifier?

J: We specially installed the Amway Atmosphere SKY™ Air Purifier once face-to-face lessons resumed in order to provide a carefree learning environment for our students and teachers. Its unique three-stage filtration, including a HEPA filter, helps remove particles and allergens such as PM2.5 and influenza virus, down to sizes as small as 0.0024 microns, with a single pass efficiency of up to 99.99%

Atmosphere Sky™ Air Treatment System
  • Equipped with 3 filters
  • Certified CADR delivers remarkable efficiency
  • Perfect for cleaning the air in rooms up to 465 square feet




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