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【Corporate Privileged Customer】Good Health Starts with Great Teeth 【Corporate Privileged Customer】Good Health Starts with Great Teeth

【Corporate Privileged Customer】Good Health Starts with Great Teeth

18 Mar 2024

Keeping your smile white and bright is an important part of modern life, helped by daily cleaning at home together with regular dental check-ups. Unfortunately, the idea of going to the dentist still fills some people with dread! Located in North Point and featuring a stylish design, City Dental Clinic aims to take the pain out of going to the dentist, personalizing the most suitable dental treatment plan for each patient and providing them with thoughtful and caring quality services.


A: Amagram

C: Dr. Sam Ng, Dental Surgeon of City Dental Clinic

A: Why did you choose to become a dentist?

C: I suffered from severe inflammation after removing my wisdom tooth in a dental clinic when I was younger. I soon realized the importance of dental health because it felt so painful and I couldn’t eat for two or three weeks after the treatment. Toothache can be one of the most unpleasant types of pain you may experience; it gives real meaning to my work when I see my smiling patients with bright and healthy teeth.

A: Do Hong Kong people enjoy good oral health?

C: Oral diseases such as tooth decay and periodontal disease are among the world’s 10 most common diseases. Most Hong Kong people still suffer from oral diseases even though they brush their teeth twice a day, and this is closely related to the way people brush their teeth and the duration for which they brush. In addition to using fluoride toothpaste, dental floss or other oral cleansing products, eating fewer sweet foods will also help you to maintain good dental health. Having regular dental check-ups and dental scaling are both very important, helping discover and prevent early signs of dental problems.

A: Besides dental scaling, what else can we do to maintain white teeth?

C: More Hong Kong people are taking teeth whitening to the next level, with blue light teeth whitening and teeth whitening paste both becoming popular cosmetic dental products. There are also different home-use cosmetic dental products available in the market, but you will need to consult your dentist if you encounter problems using them.

A: Why did you choose the Amway Atmosphere Sky™ Air Treatment System?

C: Our clinic opened during the pandemic, and in order to make our patients feel safer and more secure we took necessary measures, which included installing an air purifier. Water droplets and dust will be produced during dental procedures, which can contaminate indoor air, so an effective and efficient air purifier is an important consideration for dental clinics. After making detailed comparisons, we chose Amway’s Atmosphere Sky™ Air Treatment System as it is 99.99% effective in removing more than 340 harmful contaminants and particles as small as 0.0024 microns, providing extra protection for our staff and patients.

Atmosphere Sky™ Air Treatment System
  • Equipped with 3 filters
  • Certified CADR delivers remarkable efficiency
  • Perfect for cleaning the air in rooms up to 465 square feet




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