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How To Stay Hydrated All Day? How To Stay Hydrated All Day?

How To Stay Hydrated All Day?

28 Feb 2023

It is important to keep the body hydrated, and water plays an important part in maintaining our health. It is common knowledge that we need to drink water – but how to keep yourself hydrated correctly is a question asked by many. Today we are going to share some tips on the smartest way to drink water and keep properly hydrated.

Tip 1: Stay hydrated

According to the Department of Health, it is recommended to drink six to eight cups of fluid (one cup is about 240ml) a day. However, this is just for reference only; the recommended daily water consumption for humans depends on various factors including individual activity levels, gender and health condition. The environment you are in will also have an impact on how much water needs to be consumed. When the weather is hot you will need to consume more, and the same goes for people who are active or heavier than normal.

Tip 2: Choose the best time to drink water

If you are very busy at work and always forget to drink water, it is advised to set a timetable to drink water in case you are too busy to replenish your body’s water needs. It is also important to drink sufficient water before, during and after exercise.

1 After waking up

2 During meals

3 Between meals

Tip 3: Water in drinks doesn’t count

Milk tea from breakfast, soft drinks or coffee during lunch are not substitutes for water. Natural water is the best choice for replenishing your body’s needs. Sports beverages, fresh fruit juice, low-fat or no-fat milk, soymilk and plain soup are also appropriate choices. Soft drinks and concentrated fruit juices have high sugar levels, making them less suitable for consumption in large quantities.

Caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee and tea, as well as fruit juices with high potassium or citric acid content, all have a diuretic effect that will cause the body to lose more water through excretion. Such beverages, therefore, should not be counted as part of your daily water consumption.

Tip 4: Hong Kong’s water supply goes through a rigorous treatment process to ensure that the water quality is fit for drinking.

However, water may be contaminated during the transportation process, while aging water pipes, cracked or rusted tubes, and inadequate cleaning of water tanks can all result in water becoming polluted. The fact that contaminants may not be visible to the naked eye means we need to pay close attention to the quality of water we are drinking.

The eSpring™ Water Purifier features a 2-in-1 carbon-block UV filter and is effective in removing more than 160 waterborne contaminants and eliminating 99.99% of viruses and bacteria, retaining beneficial minerals at the same time. The eSpring™ Water Purifier has been certified by NSF International for all its components and meets various major water quality standards, ensuring you are drinking clean and safe water at all times.

eSpring™ Water Purifier

  • The two-in-one carbon-block UV filter is effective in removing more than 160 contaminants and 99.99% of waterborne bacteria and viruses
  • Smart chips keep track of the UV lamp and filter while an LED display lets you know when the filter needs to be replaced
  • Reaches various major water quality standards as certified by the NSF International
  • Retains beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium which are beneficial to the human body. The taste of drinking water is also greatly improved

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