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How to Incorporate Energy Drinks into Your Daily Life_1 How to Incorporate Energy Drinks into Your Daily Life_1

How to Incorporate Energy Drinks into Your Daily Life_1

29 Nov 2023

Morning coffee can’t wake you up? Does the 3 p.m. slump get you down? Energy can be hard to maintain throughout the day, especially when you have a schedule full of work to tackle. You might be wondering how to boost energy when tired throughout the day. Energy drinks could be your answer.

Find a Healthier Drink

Many brands market their products as “natural energy drinks”, but there are no regulations around what this really means. That’s why you’ll find that many popular choices on the market are high in sugar. Sounds like the opposite of what something considered to be a “healthy energy drink” should be, right? Besides a mid-day sugar crash, these products could be putting an unhealthy amount of sugar in your body. Excessive amounts of caffeine are also common, so be sure to not exceed the recommended 400 mg of caffeine per day. Even then, the amount of caffeine one can tolerate differs from person to person depending on how quickly their bodies can break it down. So, now you might be wondering—are energy drinks bad for you? Not necessarily, but it depends on the drink.

When possible, opt for sugar-free energy drinks, like the XS Energy Drinks. It’s packed with B vitamins so you can feel good about what you’re putting in your body. Different XS Energy Drinks have different functions:

Bring XS Energy Drink Home




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